Our Integrated Curriculum

We have a well-researched integrated curriculum. Our holistic curriculum system supports a high-quality, research-based early learning program. It is uniquely designed to support a child’s social-emotional physical and cognitive development, through activities that cover 16 key areas of skill development.





A set of learning goals for each learning area has been defined and the child is facilitated to reach to the goal by the end of Kindergarten. Care is taken to cover all the domains in an interactive and fun-filled manner for the overall growth of the child.


The assessment is continuous and ongoing and the child is assessed only after completing all the milestones in a subject. If a child is absent one day, he continues from where he left unlike in the old system where the child had to learn on his own what he missed out on. Each and every child is given undivided attention as we have 1:10 teacher student ratio. The child is encouraged to grow at his/her own pace.


Our school provides an Educational program of excellence in association with a leading academy publisher. The learning method in curriculum is completely unique and is a patented method. This is an integrated curriculum adopting best teaching techniques from Montessori, Nursery and Kindergarten learning methods. The learning is also aided by many 21st century teaching techniques like play labs, enquiry based learning, multiple intelligence enforcement, STEAM method and many more.


Our curriculum focuses on paying attention to each and every child, monitoring their progress individually and helping them with instructions in moving forward. We do flash card activities for all concepts and subjects introduced, to make young minds understand properly via practical methods.


Our curriculum is conceptualized with two curves, the Learning and the Working curve. The main aim of Learning curve is to ensure Holistic development of the little ones through various concepts and activities like songs, games, stories, celebrations, life skills etc. Working curve consists of main learning domains like English language, Math, EVS and Second language  - Hindi which are very necessary for future Academics.


Montessori is a method of education developed by a Italian educationist Dr.Maria Montessori and is based on self-directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative play. We follow authentic Montessori Method in our curriculum and we use all the pure Montessori materials developed by Dr. Maria Montessori to develop the following skills in the children:


  • ♦  Exercises of Practical Learning
  • ♦  Sensorial
  • ♦  Mathematics
  • ♦  Language
  • ♦  Cultural Studies

We all have some skills that come more naturally than others. For some of us speaking & writing comes with ease, while some of us are great at socializing with different kinds of people and for some of us we have flair at numbers and resolving problems. Each of us have our own unique strength and abilities. It’s the same with children too. Every child has his own strengths. These strengths can be used to harness the potential of child.





  • ♦  Logical/Mathematical Intelligence —— Logic smart
  • ♦  Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence —— Body smart
  • ♦  Naturalist Intelligence —— Nature smart
  • ♦  Interpersonal Intelligence —— People smart
  • ♦  Musical Rhythmic Intelligence —— Music smart
  • ♦  Visual/Spatial Intelligence —— Picture smart
  • ♦  Intrapersonal Intelligence —— Self smart
  • ♦  Linguistic Intelligence —— Word smart